Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Podcaster but not a podcastee?

What’s really funny is for a guy who loves to podcast, I don’t necessarily subscribe to a large amount of publications. I have a couple that I have downloaded to my iPod and iPhone for my own kids; Hooked on Phonics and Inside the Magic. The former was initially for my oldest son who is now 5. He lacked any type of motivation when it came to learning unless I put it in an electronic format. So, as I was browsing through iTunes one of the advertising banners displayed the Hooked on Phonics podcast and I immediately became a subscriber. Basically, the podcast provides some of the lessons from the series used in many classrooms and homes that help children become more comfortable with reading. I remember Hooked on Phonics when growing up, so I thought it would be appropriate for my children as well. The video podcast is animated and fun, filled with colorful illustrations and music to engage my little man. It’s a perfect addition to learning with hand-held devices. If you use their website, (http://learntoread.hookedonphonics.com) you can access the podcast via a link at the bottom of the page but it take you directly to iTunes. So why not just go to iTunes Store, type in Hooked on Phonics and viola, you’re there. Here is a sample:

Another the podcast subscription I have is for Promethean Planet. We use Promethean Boards (similar to interactive Whiteboards) in our district and my school only has four to go around. So in order to ensure that it stays in my room I thought it to be important that I stay abreast on the latest technology being used with the Promethean software. This particular podcast has both video and audio demonstrations of using effective teaching strategies that take advantage of the flip chart capabilities and provide what we call Activtips that integrates best practices for an interactive classroom. The podcast cover various curriculum areas and ways to make the software come alive in the classroom.


When I first got into podcasting, Mr. Coley was my inspiration. Brent Coley is a 5th grade teacher in Murrieta, California. He uses podcasting for several activities including student reporting, study guides, and sharing of projects… just to name a few. I subscribed to his podcast back in 2006 to learn how I could incorporate podcasting in my own classroom. That’s what his podcast are about, his kids and what they are doing to take advantage of this technology.

My final podcast that I personally subscribe to is ESPNRadio.com – Podcenter, specifically Mike and Mike and Fantasy Football. Yes, I know you’re wondering what the educational impact involved in this particular feed, but because I run the D.U.D.E. (Dads United Demonstrating Excellence) program, one of our major recruiting tools is Fantasy Football to begin the year. The dads must play with their student or mentee and while spending quality time discussing the curriculum involving math, science, and social studies that surround the game; we use the podcast to analyze how to put together a successful team each week.

Mike and Mike however, is for me because of the kid’s music I listen to on the way to work always interferes with my favorite morning radio talk show. So, I download to my iPod and iPhone and listen while jogging or working out.

You can access both vie iTunes or http://espnradio.espn.go.com/espnradio/podcast/index

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