Saturday, August 15, 2009

An Indelible Impression

In one of our Discussion Quickies the question arose about remembering the first song that made a lasting impression on my life. I easily recalled the song I learned in 1st grade that was written by one of the teachers at the school. I was a sponge in my early years but I just didn't soak of knowledge, I was one of those kids that would sit and analyze what I learned for days and if I felt it was important enough, I did whatever I could to implement whatever it was in whatever I did. Music had such an influence in my life that my parents made sure that I wasn't listening to anything that was not positive in any manner. My mom would always tell me as I got older to stop listening to what she called "bumpitty bump" music that she felt was controlling my thoughts and actions. Well, initially I thought she didn't know what she was talking about, as we all did of our parents, but something would always bring me back to the Obedience song and I would turn the music off... well at least for the moment. So, I thought I would share it with you as I mentioned in my FSO post. I recorded my kids singing the song earlier this summer and I thought it would be most appropriate to have them share with you as I try to rear them the right way.

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